Cheviot Sheepbreeders' Association of Australia

Breeder Members
Contact Us
Bennett & Simpson (Peter Simpson) Flock: 146 (Established 1957)
'Chain Gate' RMB 404 Oura Road Wagga Wagga NSW 2650
Phone: (02) 69211271 - 0407240954
Email: psimo@dragnet.com.au
FLOCK SIZE: Join approx 80 stud ewes each year.
PROPERTY DETAILS: Chain Gate is located 5km from Wagga Wagga on Murrumbidgee River flats. The average rainfall is 570mm. Rainfall tends to have a slight winter dominance. Average summer temperatures are about 300C but can exceed 400C. Winter temperatures average about 13oC with frosts common.
WHY I BREED CHEVIOTS: We started to breed Cheviots in 1957 when they were a very popular terminal sire, but have continued to breed them because they are an easy care breed. Cheviots are highly adaptable and can handle quite a range of climatic extremes. They have hard black feet so foot problems are very rare. They are very fertile and lamb without assistance. The lambs are small but very active and are able to suckle quickly.
Paula and Patrick Burgess Flock: 321 (Founded 1964)
PO Box 484 Strathalbyn SA 5255
Phone: 08 8536 2703
Email: kamiri@active8.net.au
David and Lyn Slade Flock: 356 (Founded 1969)
325 Wambullup Road Mount Barker WA 6325
Phone: 08 9851 4144
Fax: 08 9851 4144
David Wilkinson Flock: 364 (Founded 1974)
'Warrumyea' Wangoom VIC 3279
Phone: 03 5567 1037
Fax: 03 5567 1037
John Armstrong and Neil Hopkins Flock: 385 (Founded 1980)
Phone: 03 5156 2668
Fax: 03 5156 2675
Mobile: 0417 009 285
Email: john@grayoaks.com.au
Web site: http://www.grayoaks.com.au
Rob and Kristy Waddell Flock: 394 (Founded 1986)
38 Seaview Post Office Road Seaview Victoria 3821
Phone: (03)5626 4244
Mobile: 0419 006 176
Email: grandridgenursery@bigpond.com
FLOCK SIZE: 50 to 60 ewes
PROPERTY DETAILS: Our flock is located in 1200mm rainfall hill country in the Strzelecki Ranges approximately 20 minutes south of Warragul, West Gippsland, Victoria.
WHY I BREED CHEVIOTS: We breed Cheviot sheep for their ability to handle the very wet conditions of our property. Despite the very high rainfall, we have very few foot problems due to the hard black feet of the Cheviot. The ewes are exceptional mothers that generally produce about a 150% lambing with the lambs born easily and quickly on their feet to suckle. If we don’t tag the lambs within 24 hours of birth, they are quite hard to catch! We are finding a ready local market for surplus ewes and rams, while the wethers are sold privately via the abattoir for home consumption.
Roger Wilkinson and Diana Underwood Flock: 403 (Founded 1993)
2 Hannans Road Mandurang South VIC 3551
Phone: 03 5439 4841
Email: roger@gcom.net.au
Janice Duff Flock: 414 (Founded 2005)
Spring Grove Cheviots PO BOX 220 Heathcote VIC 3523
Phone: 03 5433 3236
Email: janduff@activ8.net.au
Kevin and Elizabeth Dorahy Flock: 415 (Founded 2006)
162 Buckaroo Road Mudgee NSW 2850
Phone: 02 6373 3170​
Karmel Parsons and Adam Maywald (Founded 2008)
PO Box 292, Minlaton SA 5575
Phone: 08 8853 2612
Email: karmel@adelaidewool.com
Trevor Blight and Paul Carter (Founded 2008)
Indigo Stud Farm, 230 Santa Gertrudis Drive, Lower Chittering WA 6084
Phone: 08 9571 8552
Email: trevor.blight@ocp.wa.gov.au
Peter & Catherine Hekmeijer (Founded 2008)
216 North Harcourt Road, Harcourt North Vic 3453
Phone: 03 5474 2834
Peter & Catherine Hekmeijer (Founded 2008)
216 North Harcourt Road, Harcourt North Vic 3453
Phone: 03 5474 2834
Andrew Ferrington and Deb Warr Flock: 423 (Established 2012)
534 Dallistons Rd, Barfold, 3444
Phone: 0411 157 558
Email: andrew.ferrington@gmail.com
Web site: www.facebook.com/barfoldhills
FLOCK SIZE: 20 to 30 ewes
PROPERTY DETAILS: We’re located in Central Victoria, near Kyneton. With an elevation of about 600m and annual rainfall of about 600mm.
WHY I BREED CHEVIOTS: The Cheviots are well suited to the cold winters and hot summers and their hard feet suit the steep, rocky hills on our land. Why Cheviots? I love their personality - they are independent, lively, self-sufficient and clever. This all makes for handful in sheep, but they’re great and our fences have never been better!
Pamela D. MOORE Flock: 427 (Established 2016)
2572 McDonalds Track, THORPDALE, VIC 3835 AUSTRALIA
Phone: (03) 5634 7620
Mobile: 0439 447 129
Email: pamela-d@bigpond.com
Web site: www.facebook.com/thorpdale
FLOCK SIZE: Less than 20
PROPERTY DETAILS: Redwood Farm is located in the Strzelecki Ranges, West Gippsland, Victoria, Australia. A picture-perfect location, with a high rainfall and lovely fertile, red soil. I am currently setting up a Biosecurity system for my closed flock.
WHY I BREED CHEVIOTS: I carried out a lot of research before deciding on the Cheviot breed for my flock. They are hardy, foragers, their feet will withstand the high rainfall here without a problem with foot rot. They have a lovely stance, intelligent, erect ears, clean face and legs – “a regal look”. I chose them for their dual purpose, to have future ‘farm gate’ sales, for both meat, pets, lawn mowers and fleece sales. I am currently experimenting with spinning the raw, long staple which is also ideal for wet and needle felting.
Associate Members

The Secretary
Cheviot Sheepbreeders' Association Australia
Peter Simpson psimo@dragnet.com.au | Tel: 02 6921 1271
'Chain Gate' RMB 404 Oura Road
Wagga Wagga NSW 2650